The very first book I read about Downs Syndrome stated that children with Downs rarely live beyond the age of 9. I wanted to burn the book then. But I didn't. I wanted to prove it was wrong.
Matthew loves these pages, he is thrilled to see all the "presents" he has been sent. His favorite thing of all is Birthday Parties. Not for the presents, but for the Celebration!
At least once a week we have a cake with candles and ice cream and sing "Happy Birthday". As we sing, Matthew squeals with excitement and anticipation. When the song is finished he blows out the candles and cheers "Yeeeaaaah!" and claps his hands. He says the party is for "The New Baby". I do not know what he means, but no matter what day it is, it is someone's Birthday - maybe yours? Our little family ritual may seem silly to some, yet Matthew reminds us that each day is day to celebrate being alive.
Many kind folks have visited his pages and have given Matthew these beautiful gifts to keep in his web site. I cannot thank each and every one of these wondeful people enough for their kindess and thoughtfulness. Even the smallest gesture of love and kindness makes Matthew beam! It is a comfort to know so many people are watching over Matthew.
If you are new here, please visit these web sites! These are the truly "Special People"in this world.
"...Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven..."
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Keeping UP With Matthew!! Click on links or follow Matthew to the next page by clicking on his picture [ Introduction | About Matthew | Cyber Neighborhood ] [ Gifts and Awards: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] [ Top Of Page ] |
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Concept, Graphics & HTML Authoring by Lovey The sun image used for the background etc. was created by Matthew Midi file playing is Gershwin's "Some One To Watch Over Me" courtesy of Satin Dolly's Jazzy Jukebox Rev.No.07.27.99 © L.Kelly 1998,1999 All photos, images, graphics and printed materials on this web site may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission fromLovey |